Mental Health Crisis Help

Community Mental Health offers walk in or call crisis 24 Hours a Day (Walk-in services are for those in immediate crisis and cannot wait for an appointment). Contact Us to get directions to the CMH Building. Crisis services provides crisis intervention, assessment, and screening for voluntary and involuntary psychiatric hospitalization.
Toll Free: 800.372.8460
Local: 517.346.8460
TTY: 517.267.7623
Mental Health Crisis
  • Community Service for Developmentally Disabled
    Community Service for Developmentally Disabled
    The mission of CSDD is to promote and support ongoing choices and opportunities for children and adults and their families to be full and equal citizens in the community.

ResidentialAMHS utilizes a variety of residential programs to provide a range of living arrangements and services including room, board, personal care, supervision, and medication administration. In addition, many residences provide various learning experiences in areas such as daily living skills, getting along with others, recovery from substance use, and/or locating and utilizing community resources.

AMHS both provides residential services directly, as well as contracts with various specialty residential services providers, so that persons may be provided with the services and supports necessary for life in the community. AMHS staff also work with dozens of private Adult Foster Care (AFC) providers in the tri-county area to ensure suitable living arrangements are maintained.

In addition to residential or foster care homes, AMHS operates a Supported Independent Living Program (SIP) which involves providing intensive services and supports in an apartment based setting. AMHS also links consumers to various other housing options including non-CMH supported apartments, the Shelter Plus Care Program, Housing Choice Vouchers, among others.


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Harvey S.

20-12-2012 Hits:22088 AMHS Testimonials Jason Moon

I like all the services I get here, no complaints at all!

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Nedra Y.

20-12-2012 Hits:24457 AMHS Testimonials Jason Moon

Before I started seeing ZoeAnn or Ron I had no confidence or self-esteem.  Depression was constant.  I wanted to hurt myself, I had no love for myself.  Anger ruled my life.  After coming here for many years my therapist helped me to turn my life around in a positive manner to love myself and have the confidence and self-esteem to “Git ‘er Done!”  I learned that I am a very special and loving person.  I am very proud to have come here and have had the love and understanding and support from ZoeAnn and Ron.  The saddest part about leaving this world some day will be leaving these wonderful people behind.  Thank you for all the confidence you have given me.

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20-12-2012 Hits:22077 AMHS Testimonials Jason Moon

I have a purpose now, which is something I never felt before in my life.

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Mitch S.

20-12-2012 Hits:22161 AMHS Testimonials Jason Moon

I think coming here has helped me a lot.  My therapist and doctor always listen to me and try to help me.

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20-12-2012 Hits:21803 AMHS Testimonials Jason Moon

For someone like me who doesn't have a family, the clubhouse has become my family.

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The CMHA-CEI Adult Mental Health Services Program (AMHS) provides a variety of services to adults recovering from various forms of mental illness. At AMHS, our vision is to promote recovery from mental illness and co-occurring disorders.


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