Mental Health Crisis Help

Community Mental Health offers walk in or call crisis 24 Hours a Day (Walk-in services are for those in immediate crisis and cannot wait for an appointment). Contact Us to get directions to the CMH Building. Crisis services provides crisis intervention, assessment, and screening for voluntary and involuntary psychiatric hospitalization.
Toll Free: 800.372.8460
Local: 517.346.8460
TTY: 517.267.7623
Mental Health Crisis
  • Community Service for Developmentally Disabled
    Community Service for Developmentally Disabled
    The mission of CSDD is to promote and support ongoing choices and opportunities for children and adults and their families to be full and equal citizens in the community.
Occupational Therapy Patient

All CMHA-CEI Occupational therapists are registered by the NBCOT and are licensed in the State of Michigan. They provide assessment, plan development, monitoring, therapy, and training for individuals (and their caregivers) who need assistance with the following: activities of daily living skills, have sensory processing disorders, require therapeutic exercise, require assistive/adaptive equipment, mobility devices (wheelchairs, walkers), orthotics, body mechanics, transfer techniques, neuromuscular management, development of cognitive skills, community/work re-integrations training.

Some of the OTRs have extensive training in sensory processing disorders and have over 10 years of experience in this area working with both children and adults.

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Satisfied Client

16-01-2013 Hits:28985 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon

The staff is the best.  They treat us with respect.

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Satisfied Client

20-12-2012 Hits:28325 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon

They have done a really good job taking care of my needs and it has been a great experience here at this facility.

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Ron B.

16-01-2013 Hits:29196 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon

I love it here.  The staff listen to me and take good care of me.

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The mission of CSDD is to promote and support ongoing choices and opportunities for children and adults and their families to be full and equal citizens in the community.


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