CSDD Life Consultation provides case management / supports coordination services for eligible adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Case management / Support Coordination services help individuals find housing, employment and leisure activities in their communities, help link to community entitlements, maximize natural supports in the community and access services from other CSDD and CMH programs. They also help monitor and maintain those resources.
Life Consultation staff consist of support coordinators/case managers assess each individual’s strengths, needs, and personal choices. They will then assist with linking/coordinating with internal/external resources/supports, monitoring the supports, accessing entitlements, providing housing assistance, and maximizing life transitions. Family Support staff provide specialized case management services to children with disabilities in their home and community. Services include family support subsidy, respite services and special needs equipment.
Life Consultation Programs
The Children’s Waiver Program (CWP) is administered by the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) and funded with State and Federal Medicaid dollars. The program is designed to provide in-home services and supports to Medicaid eligible children with developmental disabilities, who would otherwise be at risk of out-of-home placement. The local community mental health service programs (CMHSP) administer this program.
Learn More The Family Support Program through CSDD, offers specialized services and supports designed to assist families in maintaining children with disabilities in their home and in the community. Services and supports are Medicaid funded.
Learn More The Family Support Subsidy Program is a State of Michigan Program that is implemented by local community mental health services programs (CMHSP’s) Families may be eligible if their children under 18 years of age, fall into one of three categories; cognitive impairment , severe (CI), severe multiple impairment (SXI), or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) , and their taxable income for the family does not exceed $60,000.
Learn More The Habilitation Supports Waiver Program (Habilitation Supports Waiver) is administered by the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) and funded with State and Federal Medicaid dollars. The program is designed to provide home and community based services and supports to Medicaid eligible adults with developmental disabilities, who would otherwise be at risk of group home placement. The local community mental health service programs (CMHSP) administer this program.
Learn More Peer Mentoring is a process of bringing together two recipients of services at CSDD with the express purpose of one of the individuals training and assisting the other with gaining skills and knowledge. Peer Mentors are individual recipients of CSDD services that have received training and certification in Peer Mentoring skills and have agreed to share their skills, experiences and expertise with others.
Learn More CMHA-CEI Respite care services are provided to assist families in maintaining their disabled family member to live in their natural community home, by temporarily relieving the primary unpaid caregiver. Respite care provides a break from the daily routine. A wide range of different respite options are available to eligible families.
Learn More Self Determination and Person Centered Planning are a group of concepts, policies and procedures that allows a person receiving supports from CSDD to explore and document their abilities, personal connections, community supports, dreams, choices and preferences, develop goals and supports to move toward those goals and to directly control and mange the supports provided by CSDD to meet those goals. Control of and managing these supports can mean the individual gets to choose who they live with, where they live, who provides supports to them and who and where they associate with in their community of choice.
Learn More CMHA-CEI, CSDD, has a fund that can honor requests for special needs equipment. This is equipment that is not covered by Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS), the Medicaid State Plan, or any third party insurance.
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20-12-2012 Hits:28325 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon They have done a really good job taking care of my needs and it has been a great experience here at this facility. Read more
16-01-2013 Hits:28984 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon The staff is the best. They treat us with respect. Read more
16-01-2013 Hits:29196 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon I love it here. The staff listen to me and take good care of me. Read more
The mission of CSDD is to promote and support ongoing choices and opportunities for children and adults and their families to be full and equal citizens in the community.