An example would be that an individual needs assistance with bathing and dressing. An AHH assessment would be completed through MDHHS and the individual may receive a few hours a week of adult home help assistance for showers and dressing.
Medicaid Definition |
Fiscal Intermediary (FI) – An entity designed to assist individuals who choose a self-determination option in choosing and maintaining services as defined in the individual's plan of service. The FI provides assistance with managing an individual's budget.
PCP is a way for people to plan their lives in their communities, set the goals that they want to achieve, and develop a plan for how to accomplish them. PCP is required by state law (the Michigan Mental Health Code (the Code)) and federal law (the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule and the Medicaid Managed Care Rules) as the way that people receiving services and supports from the community mental health system plan how those supports are going to enable them to achieve their life goals.
The process is used to plan the life that the person aspires to have, considering various options—taking the individual’s goals, hopes, strengths, and preferences and weaving them into plans for the future. Through PCP, a person is engaged in decision-making, problem solving, monitoring progress, and making needed adjustments to goals and supports and services provided in a timely manner.
PCP is a process that involves support and input from those people who care about the person doing the planning. The PCP process is used any time an individual’s goals, desires, circumstances, choices, or needs change. While PCP is the required planning approach for mental health and I/DD services provided by the CMHSP system, PCP can include planning for other public supports and privately-funded services chosen by the person.
Habilitation Supports Waiver (HSW) - To be eligible for HSW one must have a developmental disability (as defined by Michigan law); Be Medicaid-eligible; Be residing in a community setting; If not for HSW services, require intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities ICF/IID level of care service; Choose to participate in the HSW in lieu of ICF/IID service; and Receive at least one HSW service per month.
Children Waiver Program - A Medicaid Benefit plan that provides services that are enhancements or additions to Medicaid state plan services for children under the age 18 with developmental disabilities who have challenging behaviors and/or complex medical needs and meet criteria for admission to an ICF/IDD.
They use 3 tools; the State Office of Recipient Rights site-review, MSHN’s HCBS site-visit tool, and CMHA-CEI’s Quality & Compliance tool. Additionally, the Quality Advisors participate in several agency-wide work-groups inclusive of clinical and contracts staff, charged with insuring quality, communication, training, and support of internal and contract staff who provide residential, community living supports (CLS), and respite services to our consumers. Providers receive an orientation from clinical staff at the beginning of a contract, and have on-going support and direction from clinical staff and the Quality Advisors. Providers receive a quarterly newsletter from CMHA-CEI and Providers Meetings are held at least two times a year to provide additional support and direction.
Additionally, as concerns are brought our attention, additional checks and reviews are conducted (for fraud issues, Medicaid event verification, audit findings, etc.) through the compliance team.
Additionally, staff who provide residential services are required to take CPR, Culture of Gentleness, and Basic Health and Medications. Staff are trained specifically to each consumer's individual plan of service, and may require additional training based on the consumer's needs.
Link to page with Recreational Resource Directory (PDF).
Video: Overcoming Voting Barriers with Liz (youTube):