The AMHS Older Adult Outreach/Case Management Services Program (OAS) provides a range of integrated services to persons 60 years and older who experience serious and persistent mental illnesses and who either live in an independent or residential community setting or in a Nursing Home.
The services include Case Management, counseling, outreach, day treatment/drop in center, residential & medication clinic. Services provided through Case Management include stabilization of mental status, improved ability to live in the community in the least restrictive setting possible, linkage with community resources (e.g., entitlements, health care, food, leisure activities) and other aging related resources that are essential for independent living.
20-12-2012 Hits:24428 AMHS Testimonials Jason Moon Before I started seeing ZoeAnn or Ron I had no confidence or self-esteem. Depression was constant. I wanted to hurt myself, I had no love for myself. Anger ruled my life. After coming here for many years my therapist helped me to turn my life around in a positive manner to love myself and have the confidence and self-esteem to “Git ‘er Done!” I learned that I am a very special and loving person. I am very proud to have come here and have had the love and understanding and support from ZoeAnn and Ron. The saddest part about leaving this world some day will be leaving these wonderful people behind. Thank you for all the confidence you have given me. 20-12-2012 Hits:22129 AMHS Testimonials Jason Moon I think coming here has helped me a lot. My therapist and doctor always listen to me and try to help me. 20-12-2012 Hits:22055 AMHS Testimonials Jason Moon I have a purpose now, which is something I never felt before in my life. 20-12-2012 Hits:22064 AMHS Testimonials Jason Moon I like all the services I get here, no complaints at all! 20-12-2012 Hits:21781 AMHS Testimonials Jason Moon For someone like me who doesn't have a family, the clubhouse has become my family.
Nedra Y.
Mitch S.
Harvey S.