Peer Mentoring is a Michigan Department of Community Health sponsored initiative for persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Requirement for working with a Peer Mentor are: Currently working with a community mental health board. A desire to work on your personal goals as defined through the Person Centered Planning process with another person that has received services.
Peer Mentors are persons who are or have received services from a Community Mental Health board, who have gone through training and certification to learn Peer Mentoring skills, and who feel comfortable sharing their particular skills, expertise and support with others. CSDD has a pool of Peer Mentors that have been trained and certified as having all the qualifications for successfully mentoring with others. This service is paid for through CMHA-CEI if it is included as a service in your Person Centered Plan.
If you want to access services from a Peer Mentor, contact you Case Manager / Supports Coordinator. You will need to have some goal in mind to work on with a Peer Mentor, such as learning a bus route, learning how to shop, or learning how to manage staff in a Self Determination plan. The Case Manager / Supports Coordinator will guide you through adding Peer Supports services to your Person Centered Plan and helping you interview and choose a Peer Mentor you are comfortable with and that is comfortable working with you.
The Peer Mentor will then meet with you to discuss exactly what you two will do to work on meeting your goal. You will then begin working directly with the Peer Mentor on your goal. Once you have met the goal you and your Peer Mentor have been working on, you may be asked to evaluate the performance of the Peer Mentor.
16-01-2013 Hits:29233 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon I love it here. The staff listen to me and take good care of me. 20-12-2012 Hits:28367 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon They have done a really good job taking care of my needs and it has been a great experience here at this facility. 16-01-2013 Hits:29036 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon The staff is the best. They treat us with respect.
Ron B.
Satisfied Client
Satisfied Client