Mental Health Crisis Help

Community Mental Health offers walk in or call crisis 24 Hours a Day (Walk-in services are for those in immediate crisis and cannot wait for an appointment). Contact Us to get directions to the CMH Building. Crisis services provides crisis intervention, assessment, and screening for voluntary and involuntary psychiatric hospitalization.
Toll Free: 800.372.8460
Local: 517.346.8460
TTY: 517.267.7623
Mental Health Crisis

Outreach is important and we work with partners to improve quality of life by offering the community a variety of opportunities to learn more about behavioral health and primary care. If you wish to know more about CMHA-CEI you can attend Board and Committee meetings which are open to the public.

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Child Trauma Education Event


 Hits : 1011

Friday, March 22, 2013, 08:30am - 11:30am

icon Download the Child Trauma Education Event Brochure

Keynote Speaker:  Dr. Tina Payne Bryson

Dr. Tina Payne Bryson is the co-author (with Dan Siegel) of the best-selling THE WHOLE-BRAIN CHILD (Random House Delacorte, 2011). She is a psychotherapist at Pedi-atric and Adolescent Psychology Associates (in Arcadia, California) and at the Center for Psychological Services (in West Los Angeles), where she offers parenting consul-tations and provides therapy to children and adoles-cents. She speaks to parents, educators, and clinicians both nationally and internationally, and she has written for numerous venues, for example, SkillForKids and the PBS series "This Emotional Life." She has also co-hosted a web-based parenting show and makes frequent media appearances, most recently on "Good Morning America" and in Redbook Mazgazine. She is the School Counselor at Saint Mark’s School in Altadena, the Director of Parenting Education at the Mindsight Institute, and the Developmental Consultant for Camp Chippewa in Cass Lake, Minnesota. Tina earned her Ph.D. from the Univer-sity of Southern California, where her research explored attachment science, childrearing theory, and the emerg-ing field of interpersonal neurobiology


Location  Lansing Center (333 E Michigan Ave)

Contact  Judy Hazle (517) 346-8238



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