The Children’s Waiver Program (CWP) is an intensive in-home, active treatment and support program, designed to assist families in the care and treatment of their significantly disabled child, to allow them to remain in the family home, develop skills, and eventually become more independent.
The CWP is based on legislation found in Title XIX of the Social Security Act. This legislation allows the state to provide waiver services to a targeted population who, without waiver services, would be at risk for out-of-home placement. It also allows, for children who are not Medicaid eligible in their own right, to have parental income waived, so they can qualify for Medicaid.
To be eligible, all of the following requirements must be met:
CMHA-CEI screens children who may be eligible, and assists with the application process. The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) reviews and scores the application. They decide who receives priority for this program.
If approved for the CWP, an Individual Plan of Services (IPOS) is developed through the Person Centered Planning Process, that reflects the individual’s need for a combination and sequence of specialized, interdisciplinary treatment services that are of an extended duration and aggressively directed toward the acquisition and/or maintenance of skills and behaviors necessary for the child to function with as much independence as possible. The waiver program covers, but is not limited to the following services;
Community Living Supports: Designed to provide assistance to the family in the care of their child, while facilitating the child’s independence and integration into the community. Skill development related to activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and household chores. Also included but not limited to, promoting mobility, sensory-motor, and communication, socialization, and community participation.
Respite Care: Intermittent or short-term care provided to the child in the parent’s absence, or to provide relief to the primary unpaid care provider.
Non-Family Training: Coaching, monitoring and supervision of CLS staff, to implement the plan of service.
Family Training: Training and counseling services for the families of children served in the CWP.
Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies: Assistive technology, devices, controls, or appliances which enable a child to increase abilities, control or communicate with the environment more independently.
Home Modifications: Physical adaptations to the home necessary to ensure health and safety, or enable the child to function more independently.
Specialty Services: Alternative services that can be used in lieu of, or in addition to traditional professional services or therapies. Music Therapies, Recreation Therapies, Art Therapies, and Massage Therapies.
This list is not an all-inclusive list, as other services and supports are also available.
20-12-2012 Hits:28368 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon They have done a really good job taking care of my needs and it has been a great experience here at this facility. 16-01-2013 Hits:29036 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon The staff is the best. They treat us with respect. 16-01-2013 Hits:29234 CSDD Testimonials Jason Moon I love it here. The staff listen to me and take good care of me.
Satisfied Client
Satisfied Client
Ron B.