LANSING – Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties (CMHA-CEI) is pleased to announce the release of their 2019 annual report and a new video, as well as honor the recipient of this year’s Distinguished Service Award – McLaren Greater Lansing of Michigan.
"McLaren is proud to be able to work hand-in-hand with Community Mental Health to provide efficient access to mental health care," said Deborah Leblanc, McLaren Greater Lansing Chief Nursing Officer. "Since 2017 our relationship has linked countless people to services that help them live happier, healthier lives through finding care.”
This release was originally planned for CMHA-CEI’s annual Community Breakfast event, which was cancelled for this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. CMHA-CEI extends their thanks to the exhibitors and sponsors of this year’s Community Breakfast, adding that they look forward to their continued partnership at next year’s event.
Additionally slated for release at the Community Breakfast event was a new video highlighting Adult Mental Health Services at CMHA-CEI, as well as CMHA-CEI’s 2019 annual report.
The annual report captures the successes and challenges of the agency over the course of 2019. The full report is available for members of the community to view or download here; and the AMHS Program Overview video can be viewed at
The 2021 Community Breakfast event is scheduled for March 25, 2021 from 8:00 AM-11:30 AM. Those planning to attend can register here.